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Writer's picturewesleyellisphoto


Light is what makes photography possible, how you capture it is up to you. Film, digital or some other format, your choice. From point and shoot cameras  to  complex expensive equipment one can catch light as it bounces off the subject your are pointing it at. The expectation and excitement of what you've captured can become a compulsive thing as you develop/download your photos. experiment with all the bells and whistles on your camera or maybe just build yourself a simple "Pinhole" camera and catch the light that way. becoming a "light catcher"  or photographer means you can create unique photos, a one-off record of how you caught the light at  that moment on that day (or night) I hope to inspire you through my blog to use all the rules of photography and break them too in your quest to catch an image that your are  proud of and  will in turn  excite you to keep on clicking.  

Remember its fun being a "Light Catcher"


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